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$1B NSA Spy Center Underway in Utah

Alex Constantine - January 11, 2011

Essential Reading: "NSA to Build Secretive Data Center in Utah (Shhh – it’s Actually for Surveillance, not 'Cybersecurity' as Widely Reported)"

Cyber intelligence data center to support the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative

By Henry Kenyon
Government Computer News | January 10, 2011

art lead cyber security centre 420x0 - $1B NSA Spy Center Underway in UtahThe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers broke ground this week on a massive new National Security Agency cyber intelligence center in Utah. Located at Camp Williams, 25 miles south of Salt Lake City, the $1.2 billion facility — officially known as the Utah Data Center — will be responsible for collecting and aggregating incoming intelligence data. A principle reason for the center's location is the affordability of electrical power in Utah.

According to USACE, the center will have 100,000 square feet of raised-floor data center space and more than 900,000 square feet of technical support and administrative space. Support facilities will include an electrical substation, a vehicle inspection facility and visitor control center, fuel storage, water storage, and a chiller plant. Camp Williams is a National Guard training site operated by the Utah National Guard.

Nextgov reported that the facility will support the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative, which seeks to improve how the federal government defends sensitive data and agency networks from state- and nonstate-based threats. Nextgov also noted that, in 2009, national security officials said the Utah Data Center would support the intelligence community by helping collect foreign intelligence about cybersecurity threats and protecting Defense Department networks.

The facility will also offer technical aid to the Homeland Security Department in defending the networks of civilian federal agencies.

The facility’s potential for cyber intelligence has already earned it the name Spy Center within the intelligence community, the Deseret News reported. Additionally, the Deseret News noted that the center, also known as the Community Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative Data Center, is the first of its kind for the U.S. intelligence community.

Speaking at this week’s groundbreaking ceremony, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said, “Just as we defend our lands, America also needs to also defend our cyberspace. The data center will be part of our expanding efforts to defend our Department of Defense computer systems from cyberattack and will also pay a key role in helping [the Homeland Security Department] keep our government’s civilian computer systems safe.”


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  1. How much does it cost for construction and maintaining operations? This is another critical component in maintaining subversive dictatorship a’la central america. It’s called a telecommunications fusion center; one more. Idiots are US. . .
    PS suggested that reporters use telephones as well as e-mail since I have had e-mails systematically blocked in the past by homeland security agents/former cops who blocked e-mails because I used the word “nazi”, as in rightwing nazis.

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