archive tag tag-sun-myung-moon tag-133

Iran-Contra and the Religious Right

Oliver North worshipped in a charismatic Episcopal Church in Virginia called Church of the Apostles. It turn out to be one of those Shepherding churches, a

Western Goals

:rightweb.irc-online.org Background: The Western Goals Foundation was a private domestic intelligence agency which was founded by former Congressman L

Sons Rise in a Moon Shadow

Donald Kirk | Forbes |  04.12.10 Days before the Reverend Moon Sun-Myung (right) turned a spry 90 in February, a pair of his sons prominently joined him t

Sun Myung Moon and Jerry Falwell

New Book Reveals Jerry Falwell's FinancesContributed by Cary McMullenhttp://blogs.theledger.com/default.asp?item=2391129June 18, 2009In the June 16 edition